Wir erinnern uns an EGTC 2020 - was haben sie über uns gesagt?
Fast zwei Monate sind seit der sehr erfolgreichen Europameisterschaft für Mädchen unter 18 Jahren vergangen - EGTC 2020 hier in Hrubá Borša.
Und wir haben keine andere Wahl, als hinter sie zu schauen und uns an diese sehr herausfordernde, aber sehr lustige und lehrreiche Woche zu erinnern.
Und was haben die Spieler, Kapitäne und Trainer der Nationalmannschaften über uns gesagt? Sie können dies unten lesen.
“We had a great week on this very beautiful course.” - Kristel Segers, captain of Team Belgium
“Awesome venue, one of my favorite in Europe!” - Alvin Brasseaux, national coach of Team Poland
“Many thanks for a very nice championship! We take many good memories home with us after playing on your very good course. We can only say that everyone involved has done a great job! Hope to see you again!” - David Olsson, captain of Team Sweden
“Thank you for a great tournament! It was an honour to play at Hruba Borsa, a great course for Europe's best players.” - Kristín María Þorsteinsdóttir, captain of Team Iceland
“We had a real great time at Golf Borsa and thanks to all the staff for letting us feel as at our home clubs!” - Stefano Sardi, captain of Team Italy
“Despite this current period, we managed to play in the best conditions, thanks to a very good organization. Thanks to you (Borsa Golf Club) and also to all the teams that participated in the championship.” - Clémence Martin, playing captain of Team France