GREEN RESORT began in the season of 2016 to work with a professional golf shop Golf Universe, which provides a selection of the golf goods at the reception in the club house
- mens and ladies golf bags
- umbrellas
- gloves /women's, men's, children's/
- balls
- golf range finders
- tees
- caps, hats and much more
We also offer balls, tees, prick out -tools, and t-shirts with the logo of the Golf club Borsa. Golf Universe is a professional golf shop with an e-commerce business with a total area of more than 320m2. On two floors you will find a wide range of golf clubs, bags, complete starter golf sets, travel coverovs and packaging, golf carts, clothing, shoes and accessories of leading world brands. Address shop Golf Universe in Bratislava, slovakia: Stará Vajnorská 37, 831 04 Bratislava